Shoulder pain encompasses a wide variety of injuries and ailments. A combination of muscles and tendons that allows for motion in the arm, the shoulder plays an important role in everything – from the simplest daily activities to more advanced athletic movements. The shoulder is a ball and socket joint that allows for a very large range of motion. While this is imperative for bodily movements, it also makes the shoulder vulnerable to injury, as the joint is very mobile. From dislocation to overexertion strains, understanding and addressing your shoulder pain is essential in recovery.
At Campbell Sports Rehab and Spine Center, our Palm Beach chiropractic team focuses treatment on the following shoulder pain injuries:
Handling each and every patient on an individual basis, our skilled physical therapists and chiropractors are able to formulate a customized plan of treatment. Focusing on quick recovery and safety first and foremost, Campbell Sports Rehab and Spine Center uses cutting-edge chiropractic techniques paired with a hands-on approach to get our patients back to their full potential.
Shoulder Impingement
Shoulder impingement is one of the most common types of shoulder pain seen today. When the bones of the shoulder “impinge” or invade the bursa or tendons of the shoulder, shoulder impingement syndrome takes place. This particular shoulder pain is most commonly linked to overhead activity, especially with repeated actions. From lifting to swimming to painting to tennis, shoulder impingement can be caused by a variety of activities and causes persistent pain. If left untreated, shoulder impingement may develop into a much more serious injury, as the rotator cuff tendons and bursa will begin to wear.
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Rotator Cuff Tears
Millions of Americans suffer from rotator cuff tears each and every year. The rotator cuff plays a vital role in the function of the shoulder, as it is responsible for keeping the arm in the shoulder socket. Four muscles merge together as tendons as they cover the head of the humerus. The rotator cuff connects the humerus to the shoulder blade and serves to help lifting and rotating the arm. Responsible for the greatest range of motion of any of the body’s joints, rotator cuff injuries are typically serious. From wear and tear to poor posture and from lifting to repetitive stress, rotator cuff tears can be caused by a variety of things. Exercise therapy is imperative for healing rotator cuff tears in the safest, most effective manner.
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AC Joint Sprains
The AC joint (acromioclavicular joint) refers to the joint area where the acromion (scapula) is connected to the collar bone. Often recognized by a large bump in that area, the AC joint is covered with cartilage and has a meniscus inside. More often than not, the AC joint is injured in cases where a direct trauma hits this particular point on the shoulder. In less severe cases an AC joint sprain occurs and in more severe cases a true AC joint dislocation takes place. AC joint sprains must be treated properly for adequate healing. Exercise therapy is used to recover motion and functionality in the AC joint.
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Pain on Overhead Presses
Overhead presses are excellent exercises used to build muscle strength; however, they can also cause serious discomfort and pain post workout. While pain on overhead presses is common, it is often not cause for serious concern, but rather something to be noted if symptoms continue and affect the ability to workout. Swelling, stiffness, and redness is typically seen with pain on overhead presses and pain typically worsens with time and physical activity using the shoulder. Sprains and strains on the shoulder’s muscles, tendons, and ligaments may result from overhead presses. As a result, treatment with exercise therapy will lead to an eventual adjustment of overhead press methods to prevent pain.
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Adhesive Capsulitis
Most commonly known as frozen shoulder, adhesive capsulitis is recognized by a substantial restriction in motion that causes chronic pain. In these cases, the shoulder capsule, which is the connective tissue which surrounds the glenohumeral joint, becomes stiff and inflamed. Adhesive capsulitis is an incredibly painful and disabling injury that typically takes time to heal. Unfortunately, the severe restriction adhesive capsulitis places on the shoulder’s movement causes great frustration for the patient with constant pain which worsens at night. Combining physical therapy with a number of massage therapy techniques, adhesive capsulitis is treated to reduce inflammation and pain.
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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
When the blood vessels or nerves located in the area between the collarbone and the thoracic outlet (first rib) are compressed, a number of disorders occur. Thoracic outlet syndrome refers to the shoulder and neck pain as well as finger numbness that occurs following this compression. Traumas such as motor vehicle crashes, repetitive activity, and sports-related injuries are the most common causes of thoracic outlet syndrome. Pain relief is typically achieved through physical therapy where a sports rehab specialist is able to strengthen shoulder muscles with the goal of opening the thoracic outlet and thus improving posture and range of motion.
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Swimmer’s Shoulder
Competitive swimmers place a ton of strain on their shoulder muscles in particular. Swimmer’s shoulder refers to shoulder pain suffered by a competitive swimmer due to increases in joint laxity as well as a number of demands placed on specific muscles. A common type of overuse injury, swimmer’s shoulder may lead to rotator cuff tendinitis and will interfere with the swimmer’s ability to train and progress without treatment. Swimming motions such as freestyle, butterfly, breaststroke, and backstroke place particular stress on the shoulders in both the pull-through and recovery motions. Treatment for swimmer’s shoulder will involve joint mobility focus, scapular stabilization, and rotator cuff strengthening, as well as addressing any errors in training.
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Throwing Injuries
The overhand throw places severe stresses on the shoulder and shoulder stability. When these high stresses are combined with repetitive motions, throwing injuries are likely to occur. In the majority of cases, baseball pitchers are the most vulnerable to throwing injuries; however, other athletes such as tennis, volleyball, and track and field competitors are susceptible to throwing injuries as well. Rotator cuff damage and shoulder instability are the most common types of throwing injuries. Treatment for throwing injuries involves rehabilitation exercises that are intended specifically for throwing. From throwing mechanics to throwing frequency, altering a pitcher or any other type of athlete’s throw with sports rehab will play a tremendous role in the healing process.
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Bursitis of the shoulder is often referred to as shoulder impingement syndrome which involves the inflammation of the bones acromion and humerus. A fluid-filled sac known as the bursa serves to protect the tendons and located between the two bones. When the space between the bones and the bursa narrows, there is not enough room for normal motion. As a result, irritation is caused to both the bursa and the tendons and causes swelling. Therefore, the first step to treating bursitis involves reducing the inflammation. Physical therapy is then utilized to help return the shoulder bursitis patient back to normal activities.
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At Campbell Sports Rehab and Spine Center, our team of skilled chiropractors and physical therapists are able to address your shoulder pain with personal attention and cutting-edge healing techniques. Combining years of experience with a deep passion for using a hands-on approach to treatment, our Palm Beach chiropractic team is amongst the most successful in all of Florida. To learn more about your particular shoulder pain, please contact Campbell Sports Rehab and Spine Center as soon as possible to schedule an appointment.