Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is amongst the most common ailments today, ranking second in the United States for most frequently seen neurological injuries. While many instances of lower back pain subside within a few days, there are certainly cases where back pain is severe enough to interfere with daily activity, work, or recreation. In fact, lower back pain is the leading job-related disability, responsible for the most missed work in the nation. Serious lower back pain must be addressed immediately, as it may develop into a more severe condition.

At Campbell Sports Rehab and Spine Center, our experienced chiropractic team specializes in treating lower back pain of all kinds. The medical professionals at our West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens offices treat the following lower back pain conditions:

Whether the lower back pain is acute or chronic, neglecting to address back ailments is likely to develop into a much more serious condition. Whether the pain was caused by a trauma of some sort or forms over a long period of time through repeated actions or constant strain, acute and chronic pain symptoms become more severe when left untreated. Taking a proactive approach to lower back pain will reduce pain while strengthening the core muscles to prevent future discomfort.

Lumbar Disc Herniation

A herniated disc refers to the leaking of the inner core of the disc as it degenerates and breaks down. When this occurs, the leakage moves to the outer region of the disc and puts a great amount of pressure on the spinal nerve root. As a result, pain radiates along the path of the nerve from the buttocks down the leg. Lumbar disc herniation is often recognized by symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or weakness in the leg, pain located in the buttocks and lower back, and/or loss of bowel or bladder control. The majority of lumbar disc herniation is marked by L5 nerve impingement or S1 nerve impingement. Treating lumbar disc herniation involves physical therapy which not only facilitates long-term recovery, but reduces current pain.
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Piriformis Syndrome

Occurring with the compression of the piriformis muscle with the sciatic nerve, piriformis syndrome is an uncommon yet painful neuromuscular disorder. The piriformis muscle serves to stabilize the hip joint as well as lifting and rotating the thigh away from the body, thus playing a vital role in lower body movement. Beginning with pain, numbness or tingling in the buttocks, piriformis syndrome develops slowly and the pain typically becomes severe over time. In general, pain associated with this syndrome is triggered by any movement that applies pressure over the piriformis muscle, such as sitting for long periods of time or running. Physical therapy is frequently the most effective way to treat piriformis syndrome.
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Sciatica is one of the most common injuries suffered by adults today. In fact, research suggests that nearly 40 percent of people will suffer from sciatica or pain of the sciatic nerve during some time in their life. The sciatic nerve runs from either side of the body’s lower spine, continues to travel all the way through the pelvis and buttocks, and then passes the backside of each upper leg as it then splits by the knee into branches that reach down to the feet. While sciatica pain varies significantly, irritation to this nerve is often troublesome due to the length of the nerve and the many number of muscles and joints that it may cause pain in. For the most part, sciatica can be treated with over-the-counter medications as well as treatment and exercises to reduce the pain. However, when sciatica is severe, sufferers may need to undergo surgery to correct the issue.
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Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Formed the connection of the right and left iliac bones and the sacrum, the sacroiliac joint connects the spine to the pelvis. While there is typically very little motion in the sacroiliac joints, there is a great amount of stress across them due their role in supporting the weight of the body. The sacroiliac joint has a layer of cartilage which covers the bone and when this cartilage begins to wear away or suffers any type of damage, the results can be incredibly painful. As the bones begin to rub on one another, degenerative arthritis arises in the sacroiliac joints. Through stabilization and stretching techniques, physical therapy plays a great role in alleviating sacroiliac joint pain.
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Lower back pain ranges significantly, but one of the most common types is osteoarthritis of the spine. Commonly referred to as degenerative joint disease, this condition marks the wearing down of the protective cartilage that provides cushion to the bones. When the cartilage of the discs and joints of the lower back degenerates, sufferers will feel numbness, pain, and/or weakness in the lower back. Treating arthritis in the lower back involves physical therapy activities geared toward reducing pain and relieving arthritis symptoms. As a result, the functionality of the joint will improve as flexibility, strength, and blood flow is increased.
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Lower back pain can be caused by a wide variety of physical activities, work related injuries, and a number of different traumas. Regardless of the cause of lower back pain, addressing this discomfort early on is imperative to relieving symptoms and getting back to normal daily activity with comfort. Campbell Sports Rehab and Spine Center focuses on lower back pain with physical therapy and chiropractic treatment. To schedule an appoint today, please contact us at your earliest convenience.