While diet fades certainly go in and out quickly in our nation today, juicing seems to be the next “big thing” that we believe is here to stay. From what started as a form of cleanse and transformed into a way of life, juicing has become one of the most popular sources of protein, vitamins, complex carbohydrates, and minerals today. Active individuals are now realizing the potential in juices for pre and post workout energy, extra nutrients, and a quick and easy way to consume fruits and vegetables. There are many advantages and benefits inherent in juicing that allows for athletes, people training for an event, and even those simply trying to get in shape to maximize their workouts.

Determining what ingredients to use while preparing a pre-workout juice should be a calculated, researched decision. Many people prefer to eat post-workout, noting the benefits of burning fat due to the body’s lack of available fuel. However, this could not be further from the truth. When the body lacks fuel during a workout, it uses carbohydrates, proteins, muscles, and fat to replace fuel. Even worse, attempting to work out on an empty stomach significantly limits the body’s ability to perform at optimal levels. In addition, without the proper amount of caloric intake, muscle mass is often lost.

Juicing has become one of the most commonly used sources of pre-workout fuel. Lacking the heaviness of a protein-filled meal, creating a juice that contains the various vitamins, proteins, and other nutrients will enable you to push your body to the max. Two of the most popular juice ingredients used prior to working out involve beets and carrots. These two vegetables are low-calorie and provide an excellent source of antioxidants, enzymes, and other powerful nutrients. In addition, consuming these in juices allows for little to no digestion, making these items the perfect components for pre-workout juicing.

Here is a popular recipe for a pre-workout juice using both beets and carrots. However, it is important to many athletes prefer to create their own juice recipes. As you learn more and more about the benefits inherent in juicing with fruits and vegetables, we encourage you to create healthy recipes of your own!

Energy Juice: 3 beets, 8 carrots, 2 lemons, 1 cucumber, 1 apple, 2-inch chunk of fresh ginger